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ReWild Mpumalanga

Based in the Sudwala Valley of Mpumalanga, along the Houtbosloop river, this project is centred around habitat conservation and regeneration through an integrated holistic land management & community development program.


With the Sudwala valley being home of the GeaSphere headquarters , the project will initially focus on the local environment, particularly the protection of an area known as the Sudwala Rainforest, as well as the endangered grassland ecosystems of this area.


The Sudwala Rainforest was acknowledged and registered as a South African Natural Heritage Site Nr. 167 in 1992. 


The project aims to protect the integrity of living systems (the biosphere), restore habitat, and improve connectivity between ecosystems by creating valuable skilled jobs in the local community and thereby creating the conditions for improved resilience, social security, and development opportunities.


  • Protecting livelihoods and incorporating indigenous knowledge systems

  • Introducing innovation and technology for capacity building and data monitoring

  • Leveraging existing capacity in the region built by previous work programs

  • Integrating Education and professional training at several levels



Natural Heritage Site South Africa
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  • Irreplaceable biodiversity is under several threats from multiple factors, not currently addressed at a sufficient scale.


Invasive Alien Plants (IAP):

Lantana Camara, bugweed, Argeratum, Pine, Eucalyptus.

Causing loss of Habitat, Biodiversity loss (both Fauna & Flora) Genetic diversity loss, ecosystem services loss, loss of ecosystem resilience, impact on water security, soil degradation


Bush Encroachment

Due to Fire management practices, reduced services provided by large herds of herbivores

Grassland degradation, increased fire risk, loss of biodiversity and habitat, leading to further nitrogen phosphorus and nutrients cycle unbalance.



Cable snares, deliberate poisoning,  illegal trade of protected species, use of firearms and night vision 

Loss of biodiversity, unconscionable cruelty, increase of illegal activities, increased firearms risks
- Flora & Fauna on the Red list including Cycad (Humulus), Red Duiker, Oribi, Sykes Monkey (Samago)


Monoculture Forestry

Pine & Eucalyptus (IAPs)
Documentaries on YouTube

Loss of biodiversity & genetic diversity, water depletion, habitat fragmentation, radical land use change, soil degradation, wildlife-human conflict, Climate change


Roads & fences for Industry & Infrastructures

Habitat fragmentation & roadkill

Habitat loss, loss of ecosystem integrity, biodiversity sink, restriction and obstruction of migratory corridors, blocks to river access

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